Sales and Marketing Blog | Todd Hockenberry

Buyer Personas, New Technologies, and the Impact of Changing Buyer Behavior

Written by Todd Hockenberry | Jun 06, 2018

With new tools and technologies constantly emerging and impacting the buying landscape, how well companies respond to these outside forces can have big consequences for their bottom line.

One of the most effective ways to respond to these changes is to double down on human-to-human interactions. Creating meaningful, impactful, and helpful genuine interactions with prospects is one of the most powerful ways to meet these changes head-on and succeed.

I recently talked about the importance of these types of interactions and the ways in which buyer’s behaviors are changing on The Business Wilderness podcast.

From the where and why of how I got started to the importance of aligning your whole organization to deal with the changes in buyers behavior, you can listen to the full interview here!