Sales and Marketing Blog | Todd Hockenberry

Managing Your Contacts to Grow Your Manufacturing Business

Written by Rebecca Miller | May 20, 2019


How do you manage your contacts? Do you manage them? Do you know who your customers are and how do you market to them? Are you marketing to your existing customers?

You would be shocked at how often large, successful manufacturing companies can’t answer those basic questions. So often a company’s contact list is overlooked and untended with dead emails and inaccurate information.

In the first episode of the #Manufacturing series of the B2B Growth show, Todd identifies contact list management as the very first thing you should be doing right now to grow your business.

Your contact list is one of the single best resources at your disposal but if your contact list is fragmented across multiple platforms or tools, is out of date, or missing information you’re letting that resource go to waste. If you aren’t managing that resource, you’re missing a huge opportunity.

Check out the full episode to learn more about why contact list management is so important and some tips for how to get started (or get better) here. And keep an eye out for the next four things you need to do to grow your business in future episodes.

If you are tasked with marketing manufacturing, you'll want to check our guide here.