Sales and Marketing Blog | Todd Hockenberry

The Get Stuff Done Growth Strategy

Written by Todd Hockenberry | Jul 19, 2024


“A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week,” said Patton.

We have done well as a business over the past 15 years, helping companies devise and execute business growth strategies, so what I will write next might sound odd.

You don't need a new strategy to grow.

But you must take the actions you already know you need to take.

In no particular order, you need to do these things:

  • Create a lot of content around your expertise (written and video)
  • Build an email list and share your content with them
  • Talk to your prospects and customers and use their feedback to create content
  • Make your website engaging and interesting - and most importantly, make it about them, not you
  • Connect where your best prospects are online - LinkedIn is the easiest place to start - share your expert-driven content there
  • Answer the phone, not an automated system, but a person
  • Staff up and add a chat feature to your website
  • Follow up on every quote you send
  • Call your customers regularly to check in
  • Use a CRM to manage your customer experience process
  • Study the analytics of your marketing and sales efforts and continuously improve
  • Develop your messaging and positioning around the ideal buyer of your product or service - do not try to be everything to everyone

I am simplifying a bit....but only a little!

Every time we work with clients who do these basic things, they grow.

Often significantly and quickly.

Is that a strategy? Maybe.

I'll call it the Get Stuff Done Growth Strategy.

Did I develop a new consulting offering?

Sometimes, the best strategy is to outwork the competition.

Sometimes, doing the basics over and over and doing them well is the best strategy.

I am not suggesting that it is easy, but constantly looking for a new strategy can sometimes be a signal that you are avoiding doing the things you know you should be doing.

If you'd like to get the right stuff done, please call me at 407.406.3959. I can help.