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Posted by Rebecca Miller ● Jul 25, 2018

Creating Predictable Revenue Growth for Industrial and Manufacturing Companies By Being Helpful

The first step in building an outstanding customer experience is helping. Regardless of your business or industry, helping your customers and prospects needs to be at the center of what you do to create a customer experience that stands out from the pack. So, how helpful are you?

Stream_Creative_LogoSo often B2B companies focus inward, centering marketing and sales around products or new features and fail to take into account their prospects and their problems. This approach may have worked in the past, but modern buyers (even B2B buyers) have changed. Adapting to this changing buying behavior requires companies to shift their focus outward, to focus on how they can help.

So, who are you helping? When/where do they need help? These two questions are key to creating a buyer persona and buyer journey. Ask yourself, do you really know why and how your customers buy or do you just hope the order shows up?

If you’re not helpful, you can’t win long term because someone else will figure out how to be helpful and differentiate themselves, leaving you in the dust.

Want to learn more about leveraging helpfulness into a winning strategy for B2B industrial manufacturing companies? You can read Todd’s full article, Predictable Revenue Growth for Industrial Manufacturing Companies (Part 2),  on the Stream Create Blog! Then, dig deeper into manufacturing marketing here.

Learn about Marketing for Manufacturing

Purchase the book Inbound Organization

Topics: Sales, Inbound Organization, Marketing, Manufacturing
