Posted by Todd Hockenberry ● Jun 15, 2020
Messaging Matters
Tired of hearing from so-called experts about what works to drive growth at a manufacturing company?
Want to hear actionable advice from someone in the trenches successfully doing the work for an industrial company?

In this recent episode of The Manufacturing Show Podcast, Matthew and I also discuss:
- How to make an ROI case for inbound marketing in the industrial space.
- The best ways to make customer-centric content.
- How to scale and re-purpose valuable content.
Guess what? Messaging matters internally as well as externally. If you want to get executive buy in for marketing and content investment how you talk about them matters.
Speaking of messaging, do those spammy, copy-n-paste, email messages you send really get read by anyone? Maybe your messaging - starting with your choice of platform to deliver it - needs some fresh thinking.
Check out this episode of The Manufacturing Show podcast with Ethan Beute from BombBomb where we talk about using personal videos to create interesting content, engagement, and the best kind of messaging...the kind that shows you care.
Maybe you need to think about your marketing mindset. In this podcast, with Ethan where I was the guest, we talk about customer experience and what it means to be human in your marketing .
And don't forget to sign up for the free lunch-n-learn this TH at noon EST. Click the image below to sing up. See you there!
Topics: Marketing